Common Code Enforcement Requests


Tall Grass and Weeds

Property is to be maintained so grass / weeds do not exceed eight (8) inches in height.


Building Address Required

It shall be the duty of the owner and occupant of every single-family and multiple-family dwelling structure in the City to cause every principal building or structure to post figures on said building or structure. Said figures shall be in Arabic numbers which shall be at least 3 inches in height, be of contrasting color, and be easily read.


Off Street Parking

Vehicles shall be parked on an impervious surface like a driveway or concrete pad and cannot be parked on gravel or grass. Vehicles are also not allowed to be parked on City owned Right-of-Way.


RV Parking

Not more than one recreational vehicle may be parked or stored outdoors on a lot in an RE, RS, or RT district. Between October 15 and April 15, a recreational vehicle parked or stored out of doors on a lot in an RE, RS, or RT district shall not be located within the required front yard or required exterior side yard, except for a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours within any one-week period for loading and unloading. 

All parking and storing of recreational vehicles shall be on a hard surface such as Portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, or concrete or clay pavers; parking on gravel or crushed stone shall not be considered a hard surface. 


Commercial Vehicles

Commercial vehicle parking restricted in residential districts. The parking and storage of semi-trailers, semi-tractors, farm machinery, tractors and intermodal containers and any vehicle that exceeds eight thousand one (8,000) pounds in gross vehicle weight on a lot in an RE, RS, RT, or RM District shall be permitted only within a completely enclosed structure, except as provided by Federal law and regulations. 

Commercial vehicles other than semi-trailers, semi-tractors, farm machinery, tractors and intermodal containers and any vehicle of eight thousand (8,000) pounds or less in gross vehicle weight may be parked on a lot in an RE, RS, RT, or RM District, provided they are limited to only one (1) such vehicle at any one time. 

Commercial vehicles providing service, and portable pallet or roller type storage containers, may be parked on a lot in an RE, RS RT or RM District, but only for the period of time required to provide the service or to load and unload the container. In no event shall a portable storage container be present on a lot in an RE, RS, RT or RM District for more than fifteen (15) days. 



Inoperable Vehicles/ Abandoned Vehicles

Except as provided for in Title 17 of the St. Charles Municipal Code, any type of motor vehicle that (a) does not have a current state registration, or does not display a current state license plate with valid registration sticker affixed; or (b) a motor vehicle on which the engine, wheels or other parts have been altered, damaged or otherwise so treated that the vehicle is incapable of being driven shall not be parked, kept or stored outside of an enclosed building or structure on any premises, and no vehicle shall at any time be in a state of major disassembly, disrepair or in the process of being stripped or dismantled, outside an enclosed building or structure.