What are the City's laws on soliciting?
Door to Door Solicitation
One type is door-to-door solicitation. The Police Department requires registration of door-to-door solicitors. A solicitation form is available online on our Forms Page.
Solicitors can only solicit between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and cannot solicit where a "No Solicitors" sign is displayed. They also cannot solicit on state or national holidays. Handbills or flyers may be distributed to private premises, provided they are affixed, or handed to drivers or passengers of autos in private parking lots (with the permission of the property owner). They may not be posted on public property, placed in or on mailboxes, or left on/attached to automobiles on public or private property.
Charitable Solicitation
The other type of solicitation involves service or charitable groups conducting solicitation on private property or City streets. If a service group, i.e. Kiwanis, Miseracordia, Anderson Animal Shelter, etc., wishes to conduct a "tag day," they must request permission from the individual business upon whose property they intend to solicit, such as Jewel, Blue Goose, etc. The only request the Police Department will make of the service group is that they refrain from obstructing vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In other words, the service group is not to stand on the roadway or block sidewalks in any way. As a courtesy, the Police Department will request a letter from the service group to the Chief stating dates and times. While this is not a mandatory requirement, it is requested to insure that the Department is aware of the solicitation should they receive any comments or complaints. It also assists with scheduling of the groups. Once the letter is received by the Department, an approval letter is returned to the service group by the Chief's office.
Please call 911 to dispatch an officer to investigate a possible violation.