Does St. Charles have a transfer tax?
The City of St. Charles has no real estate transfer tax.
The City of St. Charles has no real estate transfer tax.
For questions or comments about sales tax, please contact Jill Ghiotto at (630) 443-3960.
For the current Property Tax Rate and breakdown, contact Kane County Clerk at (630) 232-5964.
Any St. Charles resident can view their property tax bill and the breakdown of how much goes to which taxing body. Visit and click on “Print a Property Tax Bill.” There you can input your name and address, (or parcel number, if you know it) to access an itemized tax bill to review. Taxes related to the City are labeled “St. Charles City.”
For more information about the City's portion of your property tax bill, click here.
The budget is available for viewing on the Finance page of the City Website. Copies of the City’s budget are also available for viewing at the St. Charles Public Library and the Accounting Office of the Finance Department, City Hall, 2 E. Main Street. Those who wish to request their own, paper copy of the City’s budget should contact the Finance Department at (630) 762-7002. Due to the size and cost of producing the budget books, a fee of $20 will be charged for each printed book.
Please contact Finance Department at 630-377-4456 for further information.
Please contact the Finance Department at 630-377-4456.