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Tips for Saving Power in the Hot Summer Weather

In the summer, we use air conditioners, swimming pools, fans—and lots of energy. Here are some tips to help save energy and costs during peak usage times: 

  • A microwave uses about two-thirds less energy than a stove. 
  • Keeping the fridge stocked helps keep it from warming up too fast when the door is open. 
  • Keeping the thermostat higher and using a fan means the air conditioner doesn’t run as often, which saves energy. 
  • Only do full loads of laundry so the washer runs less often. 
  • Limit the operating time of your pool’s filter and cleaning systems to about four or five hours per day. 
  • Use curtains or shades to help keep the heat out.

For more energy-saving tips, visit

updated Jul 21, 2021