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History and Historic Preservation

Design Guidelines for Historic Properties

The Historic Preservation Commission developed Design Guidelines for downtown/commercial and residential properties that are Historic Landmarks or are located in the City’s Historic Districts. The Commission utilizes the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation to review Certificates of Appropriateness (or a “COA”). A COA is required prior to issuance of Building Permits for exterior work in the Historic District.

Historic Preservation Residential Design Guidelines

Can aluminum, vinyl, cement board or other synthetic materials be used on buildings in the Historic District?

There is no specific rule prohibiting certain types of materials on buildings in the Historic District. This applies to siding, doors, windows, fences, or any other structure.

Decisions on the use of materials in the Historic District are made on a case-by-case basis by the Historic Preservation Commission. The Commission assesses each individual proposal against the standards in the Historic Preservation Ordinance for the purpose of issuing a "Certificate of Appropriateness" or COA.

Historic Preservation

The City's Historic Preservation Ordinance was established to:

  • Foster awareness of the City's unique history embodied in its architecture and historic sites.
  • Protect the character of areas which have significant historic, architectural, or aesthetic features.
  • Protect and increase property value of historic areas and designated sites.
The Historic Preservation Commission is a group of citizens appointed to:
  • Interpret and apply review standards to building permits applications and development projects in the Historic District.
  • Review and recommend to the City Council on designation of new historic districts or landmarks.
  • Inform and educate citizens of the historic and architectural heritage of the City.
  • Consult and assist property owners of historic buildings.
  • Review and recommend on Facade Improvement Grants.
