Administrative Adjudication Hearings Administrative Adjudication is a proceeding in front of a hearing officer who listens to evidence presented by the City of St. Charles and by the accused who then makes a determination of liability or non-liability.
Board of Fire and Police The Board of Fire and Police Commission (BFPC) of the City of St. Charles derives its authority from the Illinois Municipal Code, Illinois Compiled Statutes, and from City of St. Charles Municipal Code.
Building Board of Review The purpose of the Board shall be to facilitate the interpretation and administration of City ordinances governing electric, plumbing, building, fire/life safety and similar regulations of the City ("Building Regulations") and otherwise provide technical guidance to the City Council on matters relating to the same.
City Council and Elected Officials St. Charles has an Aldermanic-City form of government, which consists of 10 Alderpersons, a Mayor, and a City Administrator.
Corridor Improvement Commission (inactive) The Corridor Improvement Program is designed to enhance the physical appearance of private property along the City’s most traveled corridors. This Commission is currently inactive.
Electoral Board The purpose of this board is to hold meetings when objection of nominating petitions are filed by a candidate and to pass judgment of resolution of such issue.
Equity & Inclusion Commission The purpose of the Equity & Inclusion Commission is to create recommendations that are in line with the Strategic Plan's Guiding Principles and Goals, and helping the City to foster an inclusive community that welcomes all residents, businesses, employees, and visitors. The ultimate goal is to encourage engagement and active listening to achieve this objective.
Firefighter's Pension Fund The Firefighter’s Pension Fund Board administers the Firefighter's Pension Fund.
Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Board The Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Board manages and authorizes the disbursement of all foreign fire insurance company tax funds received by the City, for the maintenance, use, and benefit of the fire department.
Fox River Dam Joint Task Force The Fox River Dam Joint Task Force was formed to better examine the potential environmental, economic, and recreational impacts of the dam to the City, Park District, residents, and businesses. The St. Charles City Council voted to create the Joint Task Force to engage the public, solicit input, and analyze all relevant information. Included on the Task Force are nine community representatives,
Government Operations Committee All members of the City Council sit on this committee and discuss the following topics at meetings: municipal code, all legal suits or questions, liquor licenses, personnel manual, labor negotiations, safety manual/programs for employees, all financial matters, budgets, IRB’s, bonding, insurance matters, inventory control and purchasing.
Government Services Committee All members of the City Council sit on this committee, and discuss the following topics at the meetings: police, fire, emergency services, youth safety, events permits, sewer and water utility, electric utility, infrastructure in city jurisdiction, storm-water management, transportation and all public property sales.
Historic Preservation Commission The Historic Preservation Commission reviews façade improvements and building permits for exterior work within the historic district and consults on projects for historic buildings.
Housing Commission The Housing Commission's responsibilities include preserving the existing affordable housing stock, promoting public awareness of the need for affordable housing, encouraging market forces to build new homes that meet the city's Housing Endorsement Criteria, and increasing the availability of affordable housing for all members of the community by working with the private sector.
Joint Review Board The Joint Review Board (JRB) is made up of one representative from each taxing authority affected by a TIF (i.e. school district, park district, etc.) The JRB also includes at least one member of the general public. The JRB meets annually to review activities within the TIF districts.
Liquor Control Commission The Liquor Commission considers alcohol, tobacco, and massage license issues.
Mental Health Board The Community 708 Mental Health Board reviews requests for funding and makes recommendations to distribute funds collected from the Mental Health tax.
Natural Resources Commission The mission of the Natural Resources Commission is to work through a committed partnership with the community to conserve, preserve, protect and enhance the City's natural resources, and to raise awareness and make recommendations concerning environmental issues within the City.
Plan Commission The Plan Commission reviews and holds public hearings for rezoning, special use and new developments.
Planning & Development Committee All members of the City Council sit on this committee and discuss the following topics at meetings: planning and development matters, zoning/annexation/boundary lines, building code enforcement, zoning map, comprehensive plan, land/cash ordinance, economic development and downtown redevelopment.
Redistricting Task Force A Redistricting Task Force, composed of City Council members, may meet at the call of the City Council to review and/or redistrict ward boundaries.
Tri-City Ambulance Board of Directors The Tri-City Ambulance Board of Directors meets the 2nd Fridays of March, June, September, and December at 8:30 AM.
Tri-Com Board The Tri-Com Board is responsible for overseeing the operations of the Tri-Com Central Dispatch Center, which answers 911 calls for police, fire, and ambulance in St. Charles, Geneva, and Batavia, and fire and ambulance in Elburn.
Visitors Cultural Commission The Visitors Cultural Commission reviews requests for funding and makes recommendations for the distribution of funds collected from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Youth Commission The Youth Commission directs services and awards funding to support the welfare of the City’s youth. Groups that support children in St. Charles from schools and churches to scouts and other organizations are directed to consider how they can make a difference that will impact today’s youth.
Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appeals holds hearings and decides on variations to zoning ordinance setbacks, fence heights, lot area/width and building/lot coverage, and reviews and decides appeals to zoning interpretations.