If utility service has been discontinued and you feel this was in error, call the Utility Billing Office at 630-377-4426 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
When utility service has been disconnected for non-receipt of an application, deposit, or utility payment, a completed application (if applicable) plus the full balance of the utility account, any deposit owed, and a reconnection fee must be paid in cash or money order before service is reinstated. No partial payments, payments other than cash or money order, or incomplete applications will be accepted on disconnected accounts.
Applications and cash or money order payments can be made in the Utility Billing Office before 2:00pm to guarantee same day reconnection.
The Police Department is not able to answer questions regarding disconnection.
The Utility Billing Office can be reached at 630-377-4426 and is located at 2 E. Main Street in the Municipal Building in downtown St. Charles.