We hope you enjoy the new design and find the new features useful.
An update to the Comprehensive Plan was initiated by the City Council based upon potential development opportunities in the area north of Main Street and south of the old railroad bridge within Downtown. On the east side, the former Police Department site is vacant and available for reuse or redevelopment. Additionally, there have been discussions about the potential for pedestrian and recreational enhancement to the riverfront in this area. In light of these changes, the City updated the vision laid out in the Downtown Sub Area section of the 2013 Comprehensive Plan, which serves as the City’s long-range guide for development.
The City updated the "Catalyst Sites" map that identifies sites in the downtown area for potential redevelopment. The plan defines Catalyst Sites as Underutilized properties where redevelopment could have a catalytic impact on the surrounding area. The update includes recommended land use and site improvements for riverfront parcels and immediately adjacent blocks, including the former Police Station and surrounding City-owned property.
The process to update the Comprehensive Plan for Downtown began in Spring 2019. Documents from the review process are posted in the Project Documents menu. Plan Commission concluded review of the Comprehensive Plan amendment draft in January 2020, and City Council adopted the amendments in August 2020.
The complete 2013 Comprehensive Plan can be viewed here.