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Plan Submittal Requirements for Developers

The Fire Prevention Bureau reviews plans for fire code compliance for new construction, additions, and remodeling/alterations of all commercial buildings and certain multi-family dwellings in the City of St. Charles. Architectural plans are submitted to the Building and Code Enforcement Division to begin the permit process. All conditions stated in the plan review must be satisfied prior to final occupancy of the building/space.

Forms, Permits and Records

Applying for a Building Permit


Applications and payments may be submitted to the Building and Code Enforcement Department in person during our regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  We also accept items submitted by U.S. Mail, or by placing submittals in our drop-box located near the front entrance to the St. Charles Municipal Building located at 2 E. Main Street, St. Charles, Illinois 60174.

We are unable to process permit applications that do not include the submittal fee.

Forms of payment accepted: