We hope you enjoy the new design and find the new features useful.
In This Section
The links below take you to the relevant sections of the City Code.
Building Permit and Inspection Fees
Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees
Note: The City is served by two wastewater treatment plants with different connection fees. All properties east of Randall Road are served by the Fox River WWTP. Most properties west of Randall Road are served by the West Side WWTP. Certain properties west of Randall Road, but near Randall Road, are served by the Fox River WWTP. To confirm, contact Community Development: cd@stcharlesil.gov or (630) 377-4443.
Water Connection Fees
Water Meter Fees
St. Charles owns and operates its own Electric Utility. Building owners or developers pay the actual cost of electric facilities required to service the property. These facilities are owned by the St. Charles Electric Utility and may be installed by the Utility, the owner or others. The Electric Utility will design the system and identify construction responsibility for each component. The design process will also estimate the Utility's installation cost prior to issuance of a permit. The applicant pays the Utility estimated cost at the time of permit issuance. If the actual cost is less, a refund will be issued. If the actual cost is more, the owner will be billed for the difference.