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Solicitor Applications

See also: 

Time Period Covered

Whether Commercial or Charitable, the registration is good only for the time period the solicitor indicates on the registration form.

The time period is subject to review for those Solicitors indicating a term longer than a few weeks.

In This Section:

Guidelines for Solicitors and Handbill Distribution

Soliciting during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Solicitors must adhere to the following COVID-19 precautionary practices:

  • Number of Solicitors Permitted: no more than two (2) persons shall go upon or approach any premises at any one time for purposes of soliciting or peddling
  • Must Use Principal Approach and Entrance to Premise Only: every solicitor shall approach premises only by using the property's principal approach route or path, and shall attempt to make contact with the occupants only at the principal entrance to the premises. No solicitor shall gain entry to any enclosed portion of the premises without invitation. Whether invited or not, the solicitor shall immediately and peacefully depart when requested to do so.
  • Social Distance at the Door: knock on door and stand back at least 6' to converse with resident
  • Sanitizing: solicitors shall have hand sanitizer and disposable wipes on their person
  • Personal Protection Equipment: use of face mask on initial contact; use plastic gloves
  • Handouts: flyers and door tags must be sanitized
  • Public Notification: prior notification must be made of which neighborhoods sales teams will be in and when (mailers, social media, etc.)


  • are required to register in writing with the Police Dept and pay a non-refundable $50 fee.
  • must display Police-issued solicitor badge prominently at all times.
  • are NOT to solicit unless their registration has been reviewed by, and they have received approval from, the Police Dept.
  • are to solicit only between 9:00AM and 7:00PM.
  • are NOT to solicit where a sign saying 'No Solicitors' (or of similar meaning) is displayed.
  • are NOT to solicit on Sundays, State, or National holidays.
  • are NOT to solicit within 500ft. of the property line of an elementary or secondary school.
  • The Police Department does not sponsor any solicitors.


  • may be distributed to private premises, provided they are affixed (i.e.: attached to the doorknob).
  • may be handed to a willing recipient (driver or passenger of auto) in private parking lots (with permission of property owner).
  • are NOT to be posted anywhere on public property.
  • are NOT to be placed in or on mailboxes.
  • are NOT to be left on or attached to automobiles on public or private property.
  • are NOT to be left on private premises which are uninhabited or vacant.
  • are NOT to contain information or material deemed to be objectionable or offensive.

IMPORTANT:  A commercial solicitor badge issued by the St. Charles Police Department is not valid outside the city limits.  It is not valid in unincorporated St. Charles Township and Campton Hills.  Those areas can be identified on a map, and by their unique addresses which include a directional letter (N,S,E,W) in the middle of numbers.  (ex:  30W722 Apple Orchard Lane). Those areas are subject to solicitor ordinances and regulations enforced by the Kane County Sheriff or Campton Hills Police Dept.  You can be penalized accordingly if you do not register with those agencies.  Your St. Charles badge is not valid in those areas.


Commercial Solicitors

There is a $50 non-refundable fee (cash or check) for solicitors representing commercial companies (non-charity).


  • $50 cash or check (made out to City of St. Charles) for each person soliciting
  • Completed Commercial Solicitor form for each person soliciting
  • Driver's License or State I.D. for each person soliciting
  • Must wait for approval phone call before beginning solicitation. (There is a short waiting period, from a few hours to a day or so, until the background check is completed and approval is given.)

Charitable Solicitors

There is no fee.


  • A copy of the statement from the Attorney General's office that they are representing a compliant charity.
  • Completed Charitable Solicitor form. (Multiple solicitor names can be written on the one form.)
  • Driver's License or State I.D. for each person soliciting

For charitable solicitors, there is no waiting period other than compliance with the requirements described above.


updated Apr 25, 2024