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Housing is an essential component of the St. Charles community. With over 12,000 households, St. Charles offers a diverse stock of owner- and renter-occupied housing, from apartments and townhomes to single-family homes and senior housing. The City of St. Charles recognizes the importance of good quality, attainable housing options for our residents. As such, the City's housing efforts have focused on preserving and maintaining St. Charles' affordable housing stock.

Rental Assistance Resources 

Kane County renters and landlords in need of assistance may be eligible for the Illinois Rental Assistance Program. For more
information and to apply, visit the Illinois Department of Human Services Illinois Housing Help page

Information about additional rental assistance in St. Charles and Kane County may be found at:

City Housing Initiatives 

The Housing Commission is a group of citizens appointed to: 

  • Preserve the existing affordable housing stock
  • Promote public awareness of the need for affordable housing
  • Encourage and guide market forces to build affordable housing
  • Maintain/increase the availability of attainable/affordable housing for all members of the community by working with the private sector and major employers in the community.
  • Assist City Council with the operation and implementation of the Housing Trust Fund. 

The Housing Trust Fund was established by the City as a separate fund for the sole purpose of providing and preserving affordable housing opportunities in St. Charles. Housing Trust Fund resources are to be utilized to:

  • Preserve and produce affordable housing
  • Provide housing-related financial support and services to income-eligible households
  • Provide financial support for non-profit organizations that actively address the affordable housing needs of income-eligible households. 

The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (IHO) was adopted to provide a mechanism for requiring new residential developments to include affordable dwelling units, or to pay a fee in-lieu of providing units. The IHO helps to ensure an adequate stock of affordable housing in St. Charles. Fee in-lieu contributions are placed in the Housing Trust Fund. The IHO offers several incentives to off-set the cost of developing affordable housing. 

City Housing Programs

  • Home Rehab & Accessibility Loan Program - A zero interest, deferred payment loan program for income-qualified St. Charles homeowners to help maintain the quality of their home. This program is supplemental to Kane County's Home Rehabilitation Program. 
  • First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program - Down-payment and closing-cost assistance for income-eligible individuals and families seeking to purchase a home in St. Charles. This program is supplemental to the Kane County First-Time Homebuyer Program. 
  • Affordable Housing Development Program - Housing Trust Fund Resources made available for the development of affordable housing units in St. Charles through the Kane County Affordable Housing Fund. 

City Reports and Studies

  • Homes for a Changing Region - City Council adopted the Homes study as a policy document in November 2014. The study charts future demand and supply trends for housing in St. Charles and the neighboring communities of Geneva, Batavia, and North Aurora out to the year 2040. Recommendations focus on actions and policies to create a balanced mix of housing to meet the needs of existing and future residents.  Current housing and demographic data are also included.
updated Apr 23, 2024