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Procurement: Our Business is Your Business

The City of St. Charles wants to transform our outreach to the business community. 

We are restructuring our Procurement process to streamline the dissemination of our long- and short-term purchasing needs to interested vendors. This automated process will alert registered businesses in real-time, of city sourcing opportunities in the businesses’ self-defined areas of interest. Participating businesses will be automatically notified of activity throughout the sourcing, evaluation and award phases of the solicitation process. The system is expected to be fully functional in the first quarter 2020. Once fully implemented, this business management tool will provide a view into the city’s plan for future solicitations as well as information on the city’s current contractual commitments. Proactively designed to be “green,” solicitations and responses will be “data driven” vs. “paper driven.”

For more information, contact


updated Nov 27, 2019