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Identity Theft/Financial Crimes

In today’s technology age, chances are good that some of your personal information is available on the Internet. Some companies make their profits from gathering information electronically and making it available to their clients. This information is used by marketing companies, advertisers, insurance companies, attorneys and more. It is up to the “information brokers” to screen their clientele so that they do not make their service available to would-be information thieves. Sometimes, however, there is a breakdown in security measures, and the results can be devastating. 

Citizen Police Academy & Youth Police Academy

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a part of the law enforcement profession? The St. Charles Police Department offers an annual Citizen Police Academy every spring. 

The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is meant to give residents and business owners a better understanding of how the St. Charles Police Department operates.  Participants will get to meet officers face to face and discover what daily life is like for them. Some of the areas covered in the CPA include:
