Update 7/12/19
Anticipated construction work for the week of July 15-19
East Side Streets
- Cedar Avenue – Sawcutting for concrete removals, milling asphalt, patching asphalt
- Fieldgate Road – No work at this time.
- Majestic Oaks Drive – Milling asphalt
- State Avenue – Sawcutting for concrete removals, milling asphalt, patching asphalt
West Side Streets
Youth Commission Meeting
For Residents
Resources for City residents.
Homes for a Changing Region Housing Study
Homes for a Changing Region, a multi-jurisdictional housing study crafted through a partnership between the communities of St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia, and North Aurora, was completed in November 2014 through a grant from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP).
How Can I Request a History of Prior Year Utility Bill?
Requests must be submitted either by phone (630-377-4426) or in writing (send to City of St. Charles, 2 E. Main St., St. Charles, IL 60174) by January 30, for the previous year's Utility Bill history.
Is there a Penalty for Late Payment of my Utility Bill?
There is a 10% late fee on current charges for bills not paid by the due date. We will remove one late fee per year.
Please contact Utility Billing at 630-377-4426 for removal of a fee.
Please note, if the online customer portal is unavailable or you cannot complete your online payment, you are still responsible for timely payment of your City utility bill.
Home Rehab & Accessibility Loan Program
The City offers a zero interest, deferred payment loan for income-eligible households to fix maintenance issues such as plumbing, roofing, electrical, windows, and siding, as well as to make necessary accessibility improvements including ramps, chair lifts, and bathroom modifications.
This program is funded by the St. Charles Housing Trust Fund and is supplemental to the Kane County Home Rehabilitation Program. Up to $20,000 in assistance is available through the County's program. Homeowners may qualify for an additional $10,000 from the City if additional funds are needed.