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Streets, Sidewalks & Traffic

Potholes, Sidewalk Defects, Tree Maintenance, Damaged Property, Streetlights, Parking Zones, Parking Meters, Signs, Construction, Street Cut Permits

50/50 Cost Share Sidewalk Gap Program

The City has a standing practice to facilitate completing sidewalks where an existing gap exists.  The practice is a 50/50 cost-sharing program for residents who would like a sidewalk where one does not currently exist to fill a gap in a sidewalk corridor (for example a limited section of sidewalk to complete the sidewalk in a city block). Projects are limited by the annual  budget and other conditions that prove the sidewalk will provide a true public benefit.  For questions on the program or to identify a location(s) that might be good candidates for this program, please contact the Public Works Office at 630-377-4405 or