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Water Hardness

The City monitors the water hardness of its wells in order to help residents determine the proper settings for water softeners. Residents may check the specific level of hardness on the Water Hardness Map. The hardness levels indicated on this map are generalized according to the well with the hardest water servicing each area, which is a worst-case scenario. Exact water hardness may vary. Below is a detailed explanation of water hardness.

Tree Care: Watering Trees

Trees grow best when soils are moist to a depth of six inches. As a rule of thumb, it takes one inch of water to wet six inches of soil. Most of our soils have a lot of clay so they are very slow to absorb water (0.1 to 0.25 inches per hour). Contrary to popular belief, running the sprinkler system on your lawn won’t give your trees the water they need. It’s best to take a drip or soaker hose and coil it under the drip line of the tree. Turn the hose on and let it run for 20-30 minutes.

Have a New Parkway Tree?


Seasonal Water & Sewer Tips: Winter

Winter Water & Sewer Tips

Winter brings with it extreme cold temperatures and with low temperatures come frozen pipes.

Each winter the St. Charles Water Division answers dozens of calls for frozen pipes. These calls range from simply no water, to commercial fire services that have burst and are leaking upwards of 2000 gallons per minute. Although it does happen rarely, virtually none of these calls are due to the City's pipes being frozen.

That being said, here are some simple steps you can take to avoid this happening on your premises.

Seasonal Water & Sewer Tips: Spring

Spring Water & Sewer Tips

  • Help Our Watershed - The City's storm sewer collection system consists of over 163 miles of piping and 8,500 structures and inlets. Water and materials that enter the storm sewer are released directly into a local stream, river or pond. Cleaning and maintaining this system is vital to the ecological health of these waterways. Everyone can help by ensuring that only storm water runs through our storm sewer system. Never put chemicals or other materials into a storm drain.

Hydrant Flushing Schedule

The City of St. Charles is flushing hydrants beginning April 1 and continuing through May 3. Please note that hydrant flushing could temporarily cause water discoloration, even for homes outside the particular flushing area. The discoloration is caused by minerals that get stirred up in the water mains. 

Water and Sewer

Water, Wastewater and Sewer Services


The City of St. Charles’ Water Division is responsible for providing safe water to the 35,000 customers we serve. With 8 full-time employees, the Water Division maintains seven water supply wells, six storage reservoirs, 200 miles of water main, over 3,000 valves, and 2900 fire hydrants and 12,337 domestic service connections and meters. The water supply is chlorinated and fluoridated as required by State and federal Regulations.
