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Government Services Committee Meeting

08/28/2017 - 7:00pm
Combined Packet: 
Packet Items: 
PDF icon 3.a - Electric Reliability Report - Information only 180.11 KB
PDF icon 3.b - Active River Project Update - Information only 144.29 KB
PDF icon 4.a - Recommendation to approve Downtown Partnership Request for Amplification & to close 1st St to Host Light of Lights 121.26 KB
PDF icon 4.b - Recommendation to approve Amplification and Resolution for the Closure of Rts 64 & 31 for Electric Christmas Parade 115.95 KB
PDF icon 4.c - 2017 Gold Start 500 Closing Ceremony - Information only 409.47 KB
PDF icon 4.d - Recommendation to Update Ordinance 10.11.2100 "Intersections Where Stop or Yield Required"460.06 KB
PDF icon 5.a - Presentation of City of St. Charles Water Utility Master Plan 109.48 KB
PDF icon 5.b - Recommendation to award Bid for Water, Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Underground Point Repairs 15.27 MB
PDF icon 5.c - Recommendation to award the Bid for Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Lining Program 8.77 MB
PDF icon 5.d - Recommendation to approve Notice of Award for the Phosphorus and Digester Construction Project 485.01 KB
PDF icon 5.e - Recommendation to approve Notice to Proceed & Contract Agmt for the Phosphorus and Digester Construction Project 279.6 KB
PDF icon 5.f - Presentation of 2016 Annual Electric Reliability - Information only101.6 KB
PDF icon 5.g - St. Charles Awarded Urban & Community Forestry Grant by Morton Arboretum - Information only 424.84 KB
PDF icon 5.h - Recommendation to award Contract Extension for the Fall 2017 & Spriing 2018 Parkway Tree Planting Program 462.83 KB
PDF icon 5.i - Recommendation to approve Construction Contract for the IL Rt. 31 Storm Sewer Improvement Project 83.19 KB
PDF icon 5.j - Recommendation to Waive the Bid and approve Contract for PW Parking Lot & Inventory Control Yard Paving Improvements 46.47 KB
PDF icon 5.k - IL Route 25 and IL Route 31 Pedestrian Crossings - Information only 107.3 KB
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