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Ward 4

Week of July 6, 2015

The work completed for the week ending July 4, 2015 included the continued installation of fire hydrants and valve vaults along 5th Avenue. The Iroquois side street connection was also completed this week.  Flushing and pressure testing of the new watermain has been postponed until correct parts are obtained.

Week of June 29, 2015

The work completed for the week ending June 27, 2015 included removal of most steel plates in the roadway and replacement with temporary patching.  Fire hydrant installation continued on the 5th Avenue watermain heading south.  Due to the weather, flushing and pressure testing of the new watermain has been postponed to the week of June 28th.

Week of June 22, 2015

The work completed for the week ending June 20, 2015 included installation of watermain from Allen Lane south along the east side of 5th Avenue to the end of the project at North Avenue that was not completed last week.  Fire hydrant installation on the 5th Avenue watermain continues this week.

Week of June 15, 2015

The work completed for the week ending June 13, 2015 included installation of watermain from Allen Lane south along the east side of 5th Avenue to the end of the project at North Avenue.  Side street watermain installations at Iroquois Avenue, Allen Lane and Delnor Avenue are complete except for testing and pavement restoration.  Installation of valve vaults continued this week with the installation of 6 vaults.  Fire hydrant installation began on the 5th Avenue watermain this week.

Week of June 8, 2015

The work completed for the week ending June 5, 2015 included installation of 900 feet of watermain pipe along the east side of 5th Ave from Marion Avenue to Allen Lane. Watermain valves were installed approximately 1000 feet south of Allen Lane on 5th Avenue and at Allen Lane and 6th Avenue for a future tie ins.  Fire hydrant installation began on Allen Lane and Iroquois Avenue.

Week of June 1, 2015

The work completed for the week ending May 30, 2015 included installation of watermain pipe along the east side of 5th Ave from south of Union Cemetery to Marion Avenue.  Installation of watermain valves north of the cemetery has been completed.  The Iroquois Avenue connection and tie-in was completed as was the Delnor Avenue connection.  Fire hydrant installation began this week.

Week of May 25, 2015

The work completed for the week ending May 23, 2015 included restoration on the Q Center property and installation of watermain  pipe along the east side of 5th Ave down to the south end of Union Cemetery. The watermain crossing south of the Q Center was installed, backfilled and temporarily patched.  The Marion Avenue connection and tie-in was completed.  The Allen Lane watermain with hydrants and valves was also completed with tie-in to the new watermain to occur at a later date.

Week of May 18, 2015

The work completed for the week ending May 16, 2015 included installation of the watermain on the Q Center property and the watermain  pipe along the east side of 5th Ave, from in front of 1560 5th Ave, South to the north edge of the cemetery. The watermain roadway crossing south of the Q Center was also completed with plates to be removed and temporary pavement patching for the crossing to occur next week.

Week of May 11, 2015

The work completed for the week ending May 8, 2015 included the continued installation of the watermain pipe along the east side of 5th Avenue from in front of 1560 – 1582 5th Ave.  The contractor began installation of watermain on the Q Center property Thursday, May 7th.

Week of May 4, 2015

The work completed for the week ending May 1, 2015 included the installation of the watermain  pipe along the west side of 5th Ave, from approximately 50’ south of the service drive to the golf course south 270’, and along the east side from in front of 1560 – 1582 5th Ave.
