History and Historic Preservation
National Register Nominations
Central District Architectural Survey
Near West Side Survey
Historic Districts & Architectural Surveys
The City of St. Charles has designated two historic districts, the Central Historic District and the Moody-Millington Historic District, as well as 45 individual landmark structures. A map of the historic districts and landmarks can be viewed here and information on each landmark can be found here.Â
St. Charles' 180th Anniversary Party
In May St. Charles turns 180 and the City would like to invite all citizens to a special 180th Anniversary recognition. At the May 5 City Council Meeting, Mayor Raymond Rogina will deliver brief remarks, then cake and ice cream sundaes will be served, courtesy of Blue Goose and Colonial Café and Ice Cream. Join us to celebrate our rich heritage as we look forward to continuing our promising future.
Mail Order Homes Seminar
The City of St. Charles Historic Preservation Commission welcomes Rebecca Hunter, nationally recognized mail order homes expert, for a seminar on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Municipal Center, 2 E. Main Street, St. Charles. The seminar is open to the public.
Mail Order, Kit or Catalog Houses
Beginning in the early 1900s through the 1940s, many homes were bought as kits from companies like Sears, Aladdin, and Montgomery Ward. A number of mail order homes were constructed in St. Charles.Â
In 2013, the St. Charles Historic Preservation Commission worked with architectural historian Rebecca Hunter to conduct a street-by-street survey of St. Charles to identify possible mail order homes marketed by Sears Roebuck, Gordon-Van Tine, Montgomery Ward, Harris Brothers, Aladdin, Lewis, and Sterling. A total of 68 homes were identified.Â
Tips on Locating and Identifying Mail Order House Part Numbers
Information from:
Rebecca Hunter, Historical Architectural Research
903 Cedar Avenue, Elgin Illinois 60120     847 697-4551